MORF Spring Meeting – April 14th at Columbia YC

The MORF Spring meeting will be held Saturday evening April 14 at Columbia Yacht Club. Please save the date. Rich Stearns from J-boats is lined up to give us a talk and Dennis Bartley will review leeward gates since we’ve added those to the sprint (S) courses. The details and menu wil be forth-coming.

The MORF new crew meet-up at the Weathermark Tavern on the Ides of March went well. About three dozen people were there including several new crew candidates. A good, and relatively well lubricated, time was had by all. Damned it’s nice to see the fleet and talk about sailing and racing again. Lori Tubbs, MORF crew captain, is planning more such events in the coming months.

Signups to the fleet continue apace. Tom Dickenson is back with Club Lunasea. Several new boats have joined: Tony Halwith will be racing in Escorpión Borracho (the drunken scorpion), a vintage Jam racer, Bob Smetters is joining with Ohana, his brand new, not quite delivered Dehler 34, and Kasey Iwasyk is in with Success!, his Wylie 39. A couple more new boats are still in discussions with us. Welcome to the new members.

For those of you who haven’t paid yet – it’s time. Paypal now works well for many members of the fleet. Also remember to bring, mail, or email your signed application in – visit: to join up now online.

The sign-up schedule for race committee is still more empty than full. Most of the board members are holding back to leave dates open for you. Sign up! You can do this on the web; the link is at the bottom of the home page of the website.

Hope to see you at Columbia April 14th

MORF meet & greet @ Weathermark March 15 6:30pm

Lori Tubbs, the MORF Crew Captain, has called a meet and greet for the MORF crew pool at the Weathermark Tavern, 1503 S Michigan, for 6:30pm next Thursday March 15 – imbibe the ides of March. Everyone but Brutus is welcome; MORF members, crew, friends, and others. For MORF boats and skippers this is an excellent opportunity to recruit new crew members.

Skippers and boats who want new crew please reply to this email with your requests and requirements. Lori, will be working on assigning crew pool members to boats based on your requests.

We hope to see you next Thursday at the Weathermark.

Peter Cooper
MORF Secretary

Hello Sailors! What a great weather week….well except today. Soon enough we’ll be back on the water!!

MORF is hosting a Meet and Greet 6:30 pm on March 15th at the Weather Mark Tavern (1503 South Michigan Avenue – metered street parking available.)

This will be a great time to meet up with other crew members and boat owners looking for additional crew. Feel free to invite friends that would be interested in getting on a racing boat this summer.

Cash bar and full menu available.

Have a great weekend and hope to see you at the Weather Mark on the 15th!!

Lori Tubbs
MORF Crew Pool Captain